
Nussbaumer Plumbing, Freeport, PA: Reviews and What to Consider

Nussbaumer Plumbing, Freeport, PA: An Overview and Customer Reviews

If you’re a homeowner in Freeport, PA, or the surrounding areas, you may encounter a plumbing issue at some point. Knowing who to call for reliable plumbing help is important. Nussbaumer Plumbing is a local option, but before calling them, it’s helpful to understand what they offer and consider customer feedback.

About Nussbaumer Plumbing

  • Location: 613 Freeport Rd, Freeport, PA 16229, United States
  • Hours: Check their website or call for current business hours as these can change.
  • Phone Number: +1 724-540-1043
  • Services: Nussbaumer Plumbing likely offers a range of standard plumbing services, such as leak repair, drain cleaning, fixture installation, and more. It’s best to contact them directly to confirm the specific services they provide.

What Are Customers Saying?

Customer reviews can be a valuable resource for understanding a business’s reputation and the quality of service they provide. Nussbaumer Plumbing has a mixed overall rating across various online review platforms.

While some customers praise their responsiveness, professionalism, and quality of work, others express concerns about pricing, communication, or the resolution of their plumbing issues. Here’s a breakdown of some common themes found in customer reviews:

Overall Rating: Nussbaumer Plumbing holds a mixed overall rating across various review platforms. It’s important to read individual reviews to gain a better understanding of specific experiences.

Positive Reviews: Some customers praise Nussbaumer Plumbing for their responsiveness, professionalism, and quality of work.

Negative Reviews: Other customers express concerns about pricing, communication, or the resolution of their plumbing issues.

It’s important to keep in mind that online reviews can be subjective and may not reflect every customer’s experience. However, reading through a variety of reviews can provide valuable insights into the range of customer experiences with Nussbaumer Plumbing.

Important Considerations When Evaluating Online Reviews

Subjectivity: Online reviews can be subjective and may not reflect the quality of service you might receive. One person’s negative experience could be due to a unique set of circumstances, or a positive review might praise aspects of the service that aren’t relevant to your specific needs.

Look for Trends: Seek out reviews on several platforms (such as Google, Yelp, or the Better Business Bureau) to get a broader picture of customer experiences. Look for common themes across the reviews, both positive and negative. This can help you get a better sense of the overall quality of service and any potential issues.

Consider the Date: Plumbing service can vary over time, so look for reviews that are recent. Older reviews may not reflect the current state of the business.

Respond to Reviews (for Businesses): If you are a business owner, responding to both positive and negative reviews in a professional and timely manner can show that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing quality service.

Should You Call Nussbaumer Plumbing?

Whether Nussbaumer Plumbing is the right choice for your plumbing needs depends on several factors. Consider these points:

  • Your Specific Problem: Do they offer the services needed to address your particular plumbing issue? Contact them directly to confirm.
  • Comfort Level: If the range of customer reviews leaves you unsure, you may feel more comfortable exploring other local plumbers.
  • Urgency: If you have a plumbing emergency, availability and response time may be your primary consideration.

Making an Informed Decision

Doing some research is always wise before hiring a plumbing service. Consider customer reviews, get estimates from several companies, and inquire about their experience with your specific issue. This will help you make the best choice for your household.


Choosing the right plumbing company requires careful consideration. Nussbaumer Plumbing in Freeport, PA, offers a range of services, and their customer reviews paint a mixed picture. While some customers have had positive experiences, others have voiced concerns. Before making a decision, weigh the information available, consider your specific plumbing needs, and do your research to find the best solution for your home.

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Nyla Rose

Say hello to Nyla Rose, a special person who helps people make their homes pretty and comfortable. Mary went to the University of Creativity to learn all about making spaces beautiful.

For more than 10 years, she’s been sharing her smart and fun ideas about home decorating with people all around the world. Mary loves to talk about cool DIY projects, how to decorate on a budget, and choosing the perfect items for your home. Her friendly tips and stories are loved by many because she makes home decorating easy and joyful!

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