
5 Laundry Tips to Make Your Clothes Last Longer

Clothes aren’t just a necessity; they’re an expression of who you are, your style, and your personality. Whether it’s that favorite pair of jeans or a well-loved sweater, the last thing you want is for your clothing to wear out prematurely. Yet, it happens all too often.

Fortunately, by following the right laundry habits, you can significantly extend the life of your clothes. With these five laundry tips, you can keep your wardrobe looking fresh, vibrant, and in good condition for years.

1. Sort Your Laundry Properly

“One of the most basic yet overlooked laundry habits is sorting your clothes before washing”, says Ocean of Coco Laundry Service in Southern California. The temptation to throw everything into one load is strong, especially when you’re short on time. However, this simple step can have a huge impact on the lifespan of your clothes. Mixing different types of fabrics or colors can result in irreversible damage. For example, washing dark clothes with lighter ones can cause dye to bleed and stain your lighter garments. Similarly, washing rougher fabrics like denim with more delicate materials such as silk or lace can lead to tears and pilling.

Why It Works: Sorting by color prevents dye transfer, especially from dark or brightly colored items. Additionally, separating heavier fabrics like jeans and towels from delicate fabrics helps reduce friction, which can cause pilling, holes, and fabric thinning over time.

Tip: Always wash whites, darks, and bright colors separately. Additionally, group clothes by fabric type. Use a gentle cycle for delicate fabrics and save the heavier settings for bulkier items. Taking this extra step ensures your clothes maintain their color, texture, and structure.

2. Use Cold Water When Possible

Washing clothes in cold water has two main benefits: it’s gentler on fabrics and it saves energy. Hot water may be effective at removing tough stains, but it can also weaken fibers, cause shrinkage, and lead to color fading over time. This is particularly true for delicate materials like silk, wool, or lace, which require special care to maintain their original shape and feel.

Why It Works: Cold water helps protect fibers from breaking down and prevents colors from bleeding. It also helps preserve the elasticity of fabrics, making them last longer. In addition, using cold water reduces energy consumption, which is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Tip: Unless you’re dealing with very dirty or stained items, opt for cold water whenever possible. For stubborn stains, try pre-treating the affected area before washing, rather than resorting to hot water. This will help preserve the overall quality of your clothes without sacrificing cleanliness.

3. Don’t Overload the Washing Machine

It’s easy to want to stuff as many clothes as possible into the washing machine to save time and energy. However, overloading your machine can lead to a host of problems, not just for your clothes but also for the machine itself. When the washer is too full, clothes can’t move around freely, which leads to poor cleaning and increased wear and tear.

Why It Works: Clothes that are crammed together during the wash cycle rub against each other more than they would in a properly loaded machine. This friction can cause fabric damage, pilling, and stretching, which reduces the life of your garments. Overloading also strains your machine, potentially leading to maintenance issues.

Tip: Pay attention to the machine’s load capacity and follow the guidelines. Your clothes should have enough room to move freely, ensuring they get cleaned properly and without excess friction. As a bonus, by not overloading the machine, you’ll get cleaner clothes with fewer wrinkles and tangles.

4. Turn Clothes Inside Out

Most of the wear and tear on clothing occurs on the exterior, which is the part of the fabric exposed to friction during washing and drying. This is particularly true for garments like jeans, graphic tees, and dark-colored clothing, which are prone to fading, pilling, and damage over time.

Why It Works: Turning your clothes inside out reduces the exposure of the fabric’s exterior to harsh conditions during the wash and dry cycles. This simple act protects the outside of the fabric from friction, fading, and damage while still allowing the garment to get thoroughly cleaned.

Tip: Always turn dark-colored clothes, graphic tees, and jeans inside out before washing. This is especially important for clothes with embellishments, prints, or delicate finishes that can peel or wear down with too much exposure. Turning items inside out helps maintain their original look and feel for much longer.

5. Skip the Dryer When You Can

Dryers can be a huge convenience, but they’re also one of the most damaging parts of the laundry process. High heat breaks down fabric fibers, causing shrinkage, stretching, and fading. Over time, this can lead to clothes that look worn out long before their time. Air-drying is a much gentler option that helps maintain the shape and quality of your garments.

Why It Works: The intense heat and tumbling action of a dryer cause fabric fibers to lose their elasticity and weaken over time. Air-drying clothes preserves the fabric’s integrity, helping items retain their original shape and size. Plus, air-drying helps prevent color fading and shrinkage, making your clothes last longer.

Tip: When possible, hang-dry your clothes or lay them flat to dry. This is especially important for delicate fabrics, stretchy items like yoga pants, and clothes prone to shrinking, like cotton and wool. If you need to use the dryer, opt for a low heat setting and remove clothes while they’re still slightly damp to minimize damage.


Your clothes are an investment, and with a little extra care in the laundry room, you can make them last much longer. Simple practices like sorting your laundry, using cold water, avoiding overloading the machine, turning clothes inside out, and air-drying can protect the quality of your garments and save you money in the long run.

These easy adjustments to your laundry routine not only keep your favorite pieces looking newer but also contribute to a more sustainable approach to fashion. By following these tips, you’ll extend the life of your wardrobe and maintain that just-bought look, wash after wash.

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Nyla Rose

Say hello to Nyla Rose, a special person who helps people make their homes pretty and comfortable. Mary went to the University of Creativity to learn all about making spaces beautiful.

For more than 10 years, she’s been sharing her smart and fun ideas about home decorating with people all around the world. Mary loves to talk about cool DIY projects, how to decorate on a budget, and choosing the perfect items for your home. Her friendly tips and stories are loved by many because she makes home decorating easy and joyful!

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